Wednesday, March 22, 2017

BLOG POST 22 March 2017

HOPEINTHECENTER Blog changes – I’ve transitioned to TWITTER

I have made a strategic decision, to change my hours of review of news accounts relevant to our President. I shifted my efforts to finding the same stories, but shifted my activity to becoming a TWITTER account activist.
Here is what I now do – I have a TWITTER accountoneofthedons. Please find me and FOLLOW if you are interested in keeping up with my defense of progressive politics and our Nation.

I find news articles which expose the continuing failures of this administration, its apparent collusion with Russian interests, its racist policies, and TRUMPCARE’s design to cut Medicaid to the poorest of Americans, its proposed tax cuts to the wealthiest, and efforts to reduce medical coverage to tens of millions of us. Be aware, approval of TRUMPCARE will result in a tidal wave of medical bankruptcies, since some healthcare experts recognize that most American families are one major medical emergency away from bankruptcy.

I’ve FOLLOWED a number of prominent TWITTER accounts, including those of the President, Speaker of the House, my two US Senators, my Congressman – Dave Brat, the Majority and Majority Whip of the Congress (Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise) – plus a few other Senators whose actual bipartisan approach might be useful on votes. I also regularly check the TWEETs of Kellyane Conway and Sean Spicer. I mention who I’ve FOLLOWED because you may chose the same approach. PLEASE DO THAT!

Each day I check Yahoo, ABC, PBS, and BBC news account for REAL NEWS exposing this administration. I then RETWEET the links to those articles. After I’ve done that I go to my TWITTER account, add a comment and send them on.

I pull no punches in my comments. What can I lose, I can’t be anymore derogatory, delusional, or divisive that our President in his evidence-free rants. 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

BLOG POST 04 March 2017

Russian attempts to get inside WH

Russian spies seek a White House source
Good Morning America   By BRIAN ROSS, MATTHEW MOSK and JAMES GORDON MEEK 2 hours ago

It’s every Russian spy’s dream: to recruit a source inside the White House – or any place of power in Washington.

According to U.S. intelligence officials, there’s no dispute that the Russians are indeed making great efforts to get close to President Donald Trump and the people around him, whether those targeted know it or not.
“They always targeted political figures,” David Major, a retired FBI counterintelligence agent explained to ABC News. “They want to know who is a mover and shaker in our society, who affects it.”
And today as questions continue to mount over what contacts Trump campaign aides may have had with Russian intelligence operatives, the White House continues to dispute media reports that any of the president’s associates had such contact while on the campaign trail.
U.S. intelligence officials say that the Russians are engaged in a massive campaign to infiltrate and disrupt American politics. It has gone on for decades, originally with the Cold War goal of placing a mole inside the White House, a retired KGB officer who once ran spy operations in Washington told ABC News.
A senior intelligence official told ABC News last night that no evidence gathered by the FBI so far suggests Trump associates knew they were talking to Russian intelligence officers. Those contacts being scrutinized by the FBI were first reported by the New York Times on Wednesday.
"These are not all sophisticated people but they should have assumed or considered their Russian contacts might be spy service agents too," the official briefed on the investigation said.
Russia has repeatedly denied making contact with Trump aides during the campaign. The embassy declined requests for an interview this week. But in media reports, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov has called the allegations "ridiculous."
The current version of Russia's espionage and political influence program has likely included so-called “cut outs” and front men – people and organizations that can extract prized intelligence, gain influence or create upheaval without the targeted American ever knowing who they’re really dealing with.
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told ABC News: “This is a theory of war, a 21st Century theory of war that includes false information, that includes cyber hacking, that includes, you know, in effect, sowing chaos.”
His committee is currently investigating Russian efforts to meddle in the recent election, and – as part of that bipartisan investigation – whether anyone in the Trump campaign was involved.
“I think this investigation is maybe the most serious thing that I’ll take on in my public career,” Warner said. “To me what the Russians did in terms of their blatant interference in our election is unprecedented.”
The White House remains under fire over the ouster of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who was seen in a video in Moscow in December 2015 seated next to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a celebration for a Russian propaganda station. At the time, Flynn was about to become the senior foreign policy adviser for Trump, and was paid to attend the event.
On Monday, Flynn was fired by Trump after media reports suggested the top security advisor had likely had inappropriate conversations with the Russian ambassador over U.S.-imposed sanctions on Russia before he was appointed to his official government role. Some officials said Flynn almost certainly won't face criminal charges for anything, though he may not have been completely forthcoming in an FBI counterintelligence interview, two officials said.

The Defense Intelligence Agency, which Flynn once led before former President Obama had him dismissed over management issues, suspended the retired three-star Army general's security clearance yesterday. The DIA held his Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance and it is not uncommon for a clearance to be temporarily suspended during an investigation.
Flynn did not respond to a message left for him on Wednesday.
Now the question for Senate investigators and the FBI is why the Russians may have been courting Flynn going back as far as 2015 after his retirement, and how he reacted to that effort.
“If by his actions, implied or implicit, there was an effort to undermine American foreign policy, that bothers me a great deal,” Warner said.
But Flynn isn’t the only one who is being examined.
Carter Page, a former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, is also under the investigator's magnifying glass.
Page, claims he’s done major business deals in Russia and defends its leaders – moves that raise the eyebrows of American intelligence officials.

Asked by ABC News’ Brian Ross whether he agreed that Putin was a “thug,” Page said that he “thoroughly” disagreed.
Page is named as a central figure in the now-infamous dossier that makes unsubstantiated allegations that the Trump campaign and the Russians were in cahoots.
In an interview with ABC News in January, Page called allegations that he was meeting with Kremlin officials on behalf of the campaign to coordinate the release of damaging information on Trump’s opponents, “so ridiculous that it’s completely false and laughable.”
And then there is Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign manager, who once worked for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine.
He too denies knowingly talking with anyone in Russian intelligence during the campaign, telling ABC News, “How am I supposed to know who is a Russian spy?”
The intrigue heightened late Wednesday when the Wall Street Journal picked up claims that U.S. intelligence officers were withholding intelligence from the 45th president over eroded trust because of his associates' Russian contacts and the FBI scrutiny of the White House.
But numerous officials said that was absurd.
“Any suggestion that the U.S. intelligence community is withholding information and is not providing the best possible intelligence to the president and his national security team is not true," the director of national intelligence’s public affairs office said in a statement.
ABC News’ Randy Kreider, Paul Blake, Alex Hosenball and Cho Park contributed to this story.

As of this date, 04 March 2017, six associates of President Trump – General Flynn, Carter Page, Paul Monafort, Jared Kushner, then Senator Jeff Sessions, and Donald J. Trump JR. had contact with Russians during the campaign.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

BLOG POST 25 Feb 2017 - 01

History of Presidential Impeachment actions

Richard Milhouse Nixon

After Nixon fired Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, which led to the immediate departures of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus in what became known as the "Saturday Night Massacre" of October 20, 1973,[14] however, momentum towards impeachment grew rapidly. (In the view of Nixon speechwriter Pat Buchanan, who had been privy to Nixon's thinking, the president had known this would be the likely outcome of dismissing Cox.[15]) On October 23, 1973, a landslide of resolutions calling for impeachment, impeachment investigations, and appointment of a special prosecutor were introduced against Nixon.[16] The introduction of these resolutions continued for several days, but the Judiciary Committee was reluctant to start a formal investigation, especially with the Vice Presidency vacant after the resignation amid scandal of Spiro Agnew on October 10, 1973.

                Nixon, knowing that impeachment and removal from office was certain - on the day of August 9, 1974, Nixon became the first, and so far only, president to resign.

William Jefferson Clinton

                Perjury to grand jury in case of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky affair

                Clinton was not impeached.

Donald John Trump

                DJT famously tweeted – 6/4/2014 at 3:23 AM, “Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?” Very prophetic.

Friday, February 24, 2017

BLOG POST 24 Feb 2017 - 02

More scary analysis of the current administration

For those looking for IMPEACH or RESIST stickers, check out  I just ordered mine. Pick out one you can relate to … there are LOTS OF ‘EM!

In shredding the TPP Pan Asian trade deal Trump neutralized an economic alliance that would have given Asian trading partners a common ally and friend in America. Now China can steam roller those nations individually. CHINA WON!

In harassing NATO and the EU, Trump has undercut our allies of decades, making them more vulnerable to Russia. RUSSIA WON!

In alienating women, gays, Hispanics, Mexico, the Swedes, and the Media – Trump has demonstrated he intends to govern for a minority of racist or frustrated voters who he will never really work for. TRUMP WON, but not the popular vote, nor a mandate, nor does he represent the best values of tolerance and inclusion of America.

BLOG POST 24 Feb 2017 - 01

Newest allegations of Trumps’ Russian ties – 2/24/2017

Russian Billionaire Could Be Link Between Trump, Russia

 Greg Price  International Business Times February 21, 2017

Natural gas titan Dmitry Firtash could be extradited to the U.S. to face corruption charges after an Austrian court ruled against him Tuesday.
He was a business partner with a former Donald Trump campaign manager. He’s a wealthy Russian oligarch who made billions in natural gas—possibly with help from President Vladimir Putin—and he was also tied to Ukraine’s Russia-friendly former President Viktor Yanukovych.  
It’s also possible he might be a missing link to Trump and his campaign and administration’s alleged ties to Russia. It doesn't end there: He may be headed to the United States to face racketeering charges.
His name is Dmitry Firtash and an Austrian appeals court ruled Tuesday that he could be extradited to the U.S., overturning a lower court’s ruling and flipping his fate over to Austria’s Ministry of Justice, Bloomberg reported.
“It wasn’t for us to judge whether Mr. Firtash was guilty, but only whether the extradition is allowed,” Judge Leo Levnaic-Iwanski said. “This decision only means that another country will make a decision whether he is guilty.”
Firtash, 51, was originally detained by Austrian officials on an arrest warrant for money laundering charges in Spain, according to Financial Times, and it will be up to the justice ministry to decide between the U.S. and Spain. There were also reports that Firtash reacted to the judge's verdict in "silent horror."
Firtash was arrested in Vienna in March 2014—shortly after Yanukovych was ousted from power by protesters—posted a $174 million bail and has remained in Austria ever since to await its courts’ ruling on his fate.
In April 2014, the Justice Department handed down six indictments, including one against the Ukrainian foreign national that alleged a conspiracy was undertaken to pay $18.5 million in bribes to Indian government officials to mine titanium along the country’s eastern coast. If it had been successful, the mine could have resulted in $500 million in sales of titanium products, including some sales to Chicago-based Boeing.
The charges in Spain stem from allegations of money laundering in Catalonia, where he possibly funneled more than $10.5 million through companies based in Cyprus and the Virgin Islands with two other unnamed men, according to FT.
What does this have to do with Trump, Putin and all the alleged ties to Russia? Well, Firtash was a former business partner of Paul Manafort, who served as chairman for Trump’s campaign last year and was also a political consultant in Ukraine while helping get Yanukovych elected. The New York Times reported in August that secret ledgers showed Manafort was paid $12.7 million from Yanukovych’s political party between 2007 and 2012. Manafort left the Trump campaign, however, the payments have not been confirmed.
And last week, anonymous sources with information regarding the U.S. intelligence community’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s “repeated” contact with Russian intelligence officials last year also included Manafort’s calls with the Russians, the Times reported.
In a far-reaching and extensive report on Firtash’s fate and possible links to Trump and Putin, Bloomberg last week detailed Manafort’s ties to Firtash. Former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko alleged in a lawsuit filed in a U.S. court in 2011 that the hotel and shopping mall Manafort and Firtash had planned to build in midtown Manhattan was nothing more than a means to launder money.

It just keeps getting more convoluted, the stuff of spy and mystery thrillers. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

BLOG POST 21 Feb 2017

And more Alternative facts and fantasies. Fact checking the BS coming from a Press briefing

“I’m not ranting or raving” DJT

How much did Russia pay General Flynn to come to dinner? And for WHAT????

There is a very real problem when the President of our country behaves in a way to make him the continual source of JOKES.

GOP repeal and replacement of ACA – hurting those on our social safety net. Good job GOP.

Rumbles of IMPEACHMENT .... There is hope!

Enemies of the People – some historical context

Did VP Pence, or Steve Bannon, tell the EU how we’ll deal with Europe?

Analysis - Confusion, lack of inter-team communication, and confusion seem commonplace in WH.

Monday, February 20, 2017

BLOG POST 20 Feb 2017

I find it amazing that each day more stories emerge that cast doubt on the competence, truthfulness, and direction of our President's administration. Here's still another. Read my analysis note following the NYT article.

Trump’s unofficial aides wheeling and dealing with Russia

Trump aides in back-door Ukraine peace plan: NYT  AFP February 20, 2017

New York (AFP) - President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, a business associate and a Ukrainian lawmaker have drawn up a peace plan for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, presenting the proposal to the administration's former national security advisor, the New York Times reported Sunday.
According to the report, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen hand-delivered the proposal to the office of Michael Flynn, who resigned in disgrace a week later due to a separate incident involving contacts with Moscow's ambassador in Washington.
The report underscored stubborn allegations of improper Russian influence on the Trump administration, with US intelligence agencies saying Moscow meddled in the American election in November to tip the outcome in the Republican's favor.
According to the Times, the amateur diplomats behind the proposal are Cohen; Felix Sater, a business associate who helped Trump scout deals in Russia; and Andrii Artemenko, an upstart Ukrainian lawmaker who claims to have evidence of corruption that could oust President Petro Poroshenko.
The report said the proposal, which outlined a way for Washington to lift sanctions against Russia, was a plan concocted by Artemenko essentially requiring the withdrawal of all Russian forces from eastern Ukraine.
"Ukrainian voters would decide in a referendum whether Crimea, the Ukrainian territory seized by Russia in 2014, would be leased to Russia for a term of 50 or 100 years," the Times said.
The conflict in eastern Ukraine has cost some 10,000 lives since parts of two mostly Russian-speaking eastern regions declared independence from Kiev's pro-Western government following the ouster of Kremlin-backed president Viktor Yanukovych.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied having knowledge of the plan Monday, telling journalists: "How can Russia lease its own region? The question itself is rather absurd."
In Kiev, the report that Artemenko, an obscure lawmaker in the minority Radical Party, raised eyebrows, and the party's group in parliament was meeting Monday to discuss whether to expel him.
"A lot of people will call me a Russian agent, a US agent, a CIA agent," Artemenko told the Times. "But how can you find a good solution between our countries if we do not talk?"
It was not clear if Flynn studied the proposal or took any action on it.
Trump met over the weekend with four candidates he is considering as Flynn's replacement.
Cohen and Sater said they had not spoken to Trump about the proposal, the Times reported.
Ukraine's ambassador to the United States slammed the apparent back-door diplomacy.
Artemenko "is not entitled to present any alternative peace plans on behalf of Ukraine to any foreign government, including the US administration," Valeriy Chaly told the newspaper.
The idea of leasing Crimea to Russia "can be pitched or pushed through only by those openly or covertly representing Russian interests," he said.

Analysis - This type of free lancing by non-officials is against American laws. It does, however, illustrate the possible truth of Russian influence noted in the now famous Russian Dossier.