Friday, February 18, 2011

House votes to deny Obama healthcare law funds

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted on Friday to choke off cash to fund President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law, stepping up a fight with Democrats over budget cuts and deficits.
The House's move against the 2010 healthcare law -- one of Obama's main legislative victories -- is certain to be rejected by the Democratic-led Senate, but it has raised tensions over federal spending that could lead to a government shutdown.
On largely party-line votes, the House approved several amendments to deny funds to federal agencies to implement the healthcare overhaul, which Republicans deride as a costly government intrusion into the marketplace.
Republicans say the healthcare reform burdens doctors, insurers and employers with unnecessary costs and bureaucracy as the country is slowly recovering from a recession. The law is aimed at ensuring more Americans get medical insurance and provide consumer protections in the healthcare industry.

Observe the trick here – many, if not most doctors, insurers, and employers … Happen to make plenty of money.
The forty million uninsured Americans who would eventually be able to get health insurance … well, they don’t make much money, or enough noise.
Oh the best part of this – it is a joke, right????? The House voted to keep the cash in the loop for NASCAR advertisements. OO RAH!!!

VFW Will Defeat Bachmann Plan

Posted at 08:25 AM on Monday, January 31, 2011 by Commander Post 3103

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 28, 2011 — America's oldest and largest major combat veterans' organization announced it will do everything within its power to defeat a plan introduced by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to cut $4.5 billion from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

"No way, no how, will we let this proposal get any traction in Congress," said Richard L. Eubank, the national commander of the 2.1 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. and its Auxiliaries.

On her website, the three-term congresswoman lists more than $400 billion in suggestions to cut federal spending.  The VA suggestion would cap increases to VA healthcare spending, and reduce disability compensation to account for Social Security Disability Insurance payments — in other words, an offset.  She says her plan is intended to generate discussion.

"The only discussion the VFW wants is to tell the congresswoman that her plan is totally out of step with America's commitment to our veterans," said Eubank, a retired Marine and Vietnam combat veteran from Eugene, Ore.

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