A sample of what some might write to their Senators or Congressmen ...
I am writing as one of your constituents to voice my
concerns following the recent election of Donald J. Trump as our President. I
fear at a gut level many, many of the policies Mr. Trump espouses. His expressed plans, delineated below,
represent policies of racism, intolerance, and nationalism that will negate and
roll back fifty years of progress in social and racial tolerance. His policies,
no matter that he convinced many other Americans, DO NOT REPRESENT the ideals
America was founded on.
No matter how much flim flam I heard from Mr. Trump’s mouth,
or read what he said, I refuse to believe Americans want, or will tolerate, regressing
our ideals of tolerance, or sense of justice.
Racism –
Fight the WALL tooth and nail. It is immoral, racist, and a costly monument to
racism and intolerance.
The environment
– Fight any weakening of EPA regulations, laws and practices which protect
every American’s clean air and water.
The recent Paris Accords on Global Warning. Global warming and its
effect on every person on this planet are both real and slowly changing the
weather we experience on a daily basis. Fight President Trump on every single
measure he attempts to reduce protections for our air and water.
Refugees – Fight
President Trump on any effort to prevent refugees of ANY religion, sect, color
or persuasion from being excluded. Our nation cannot prevent screened refugees
fleeing war, or famine, intolerance from reaching the “Land of the Free.” If
his voiced plans to exclude Muslims on that basis alone comes to pass, we may
as well put a black shroud over the Statue of Liberty.
Taxes – Fight tooth
and nail any attempts to proportionally reduce taxes on the richest of our
country. Doing that will effectively raise the burden on the Middle Class.
Affordable Care Act/Health
care insurance – Ensure any changes to the ability of the most
vulnerable of our society to buy health insurance are balanced against the best
interests of our society, especially those at lower economic levels. America
currently ranks dead last among countries of the developed world, and the vast
majority of working Americans are but one major health incident or ER visit away
from medical bankruptcy. ACA stands as an attempt to begin to fix that
situation, and ensure access to insurance for working Americans.
Supreme Court appointments
– Scrutinize and defeat nominations of any proposed by President Trump who do
not represent the best of America, or whose views would roll back America to
Jim Crow racism or intolerance.
International agreement to
reduce Iran’s nuclear program – Fight any effort to roll back, negate,
or bypass the International agreement to reduce and delay Iran’s nuclear
weapons programs.
Palestine – Fight to
keep America’s efforts to be even handed in support of Palestinian efforts for
statehood. Fight Israeli confiscation of
Arab lands and construction of settlements on stolen lands in the Occupied West
NATO – Fight any
attempts to reduce US participation in and contributions to NATO. NATO now
stands as the final bulwark to Vladimir Putin’s demonstrated efforts to rebuild
the Soviet Union by taking control of former Eastern Bloc nations. Russian
attempts to destabilize and regain control of the Ukraine are but one example
of these efforts, accented by Russian aircraft bombing Syrian freedom fighters.
Infrastructure –
Support large scale programs to improve airports, air traffic control systems,
rail systems, public transit at all levels, highway and bridge repairs.
DJT’s businesses –
The businesses of Mr. Trump must be placed in “blind trusts” over which he and
his family have no control, so that his ability to use his office to increase
his personal wealth … must be prevented.
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