Saturday, February 25, 2017

BLOG POST 25 Feb 2017 - 01

History of Presidential Impeachment actions

Richard Milhouse Nixon

After Nixon fired Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, which led to the immediate departures of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus in what became known as the "Saturday Night Massacre" of October 20, 1973,[14] however, momentum towards impeachment grew rapidly. (In the view of Nixon speechwriter Pat Buchanan, who had been privy to Nixon's thinking, the president had known this would be the likely outcome of dismissing Cox.[15]) On October 23, 1973, a landslide of resolutions calling for impeachment, impeachment investigations, and appointment of a special prosecutor were introduced against Nixon.[16] The introduction of these resolutions continued for several days, but the Judiciary Committee was reluctant to start a formal investigation, especially with the Vice Presidency vacant after the resignation amid scandal of Spiro Agnew on October 10, 1973.

                Nixon, knowing that impeachment and removal from office was certain - on the day of August 9, 1974, Nixon became the first, and so far only, president to resign.

William Jefferson Clinton

                Perjury to grand jury in case of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky affair

                Clinton was not impeached.

Donald John Trump

                DJT famously tweeted – 6/4/2014 at 3:23 AM, “Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?” Very prophetic.

Friday, February 24, 2017

BLOG POST 24 Feb 2017 - 02

More scary analysis of the current administration

For those looking for IMPEACH or RESIST stickers, check out  I just ordered mine. Pick out one you can relate to … there are LOTS OF ‘EM!

In shredding the TPP Pan Asian trade deal Trump neutralized an economic alliance that would have given Asian trading partners a common ally and friend in America. Now China can steam roller those nations individually. CHINA WON!

In harassing NATO and the EU, Trump has undercut our allies of decades, making them more vulnerable to Russia. RUSSIA WON!

In alienating women, gays, Hispanics, Mexico, the Swedes, and the Media – Trump has demonstrated he intends to govern for a minority of racist or frustrated voters who he will never really work for. TRUMP WON, but not the popular vote, nor a mandate, nor does he represent the best values of tolerance and inclusion of America.

BLOG POST 24 Feb 2017 - 01

Newest allegations of Trumps’ Russian ties – 2/24/2017

Russian Billionaire Could Be Link Between Trump, Russia

 Greg Price  International Business Times February 21, 2017

Natural gas titan Dmitry Firtash could be extradited to the U.S. to face corruption charges after an Austrian court ruled against him Tuesday.
He was a business partner with a former Donald Trump campaign manager. He’s a wealthy Russian oligarch who made billions in natural gas—possibly with help from President Vladimir Putin—and he was also tied to Ukraine’s Russia-friendly former President Viktor Yanukovych.  
It’s also possible he might be a missing link to Trump and his campaign and administration’s alleged ties to Russia. It doesn't end there: He may be headed to the United States to face racketeering charges.
His name is Dmitry Firtash and an Austrian appeals court ruled Tuesday that he could be extradited to the U.S., overturning a lower court’s ruling and flipping his fate over to Austria’s Ministry of Justice, Bloomberg reported.
“It wasn’t for us to judge whether Mr. Firtash was guilty, but only whether the extradition is allowed,” Judge Leo Levnaic-Iwanski said. “This decision only means that another country will make a decision whether he is guilty.”
Firtash, 51, was originally detained by Austrian officials on an arrest warrant for money laundering charges in Spain, according to Financial Times, and it will be up to the justice ministry to decide between the U.S. and Spain. There were also reports that Firtash reacted to the judge's verdict in "silent horror."
Firtash was arrested in Vienna in March 2014—shortly after Yanukovych was ousted from power by protesters—posted a $174 million bail and has remained in Austria ever since to await its courts’ ruling on his fate.
In April 2014, the Justice Department handed down six indictments, including one against the Ukrainian foreign national that alleged a conspiracy was undertaken to pay $18.5 million in bribes to Indian government officials to mine titanium along the country’s eastern coast. If it had been successful, the mine could have resulted in $500 million in sales of titanium products, including some sales to Chicago-based Boeing.
The charges in Spain stem from allegations of money laundering in Catalonia, where he possibly funneled more than $10.5 million through companies based in Cyprus and the Virgin Islands with two other unnamed men, according to FT.
What does this have to do with Trump, Putin and all the alleged ties to Russia? Well, Firtash was a former business partner of Paul Manafort, who served as chairman for Trump’s campaign last year and was also a political consultant in Ukraine while helping get Yanukovych elected. The New York Times reported in August that secret ledgers showed Manafort was paid $12.7 million from Yanukovych’s political party between 2007 and 2012. Manafort left the Trump campaign, however, the payments have not been confirmed.
And last week, anonymous sources with information regarding the U.S. intelligence community’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s “repeated” contact with Russian intelligence officials last year also included Manafort’s calls with the Russians, the Times reported.
In a far-reaching and extensive report on Firtash’s fate and possible links to Trump and Putin, Bloomberg last week detailed Manafort’s ties to Firtash. Former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko alleged in a lawsuit filed in a U.S. court in 2011 that the hotel and shopping mall Manafort and Firtash had planned to build in midtown Manhattan was nothing more than a means to launder money.

It just keeps getting more convoluted, the stuff of spy and mystery thrillers. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

BLOG POST 21 Feb 2017

And more Alternative facts and fantasies. Fact checking the BS coming from a Press briefing

“I’m not ranting or raving” DJT

How much did Russia pay General Flynn to come to dinner? And for WHAT????

There is a very real problem when the President of our country behaves in a way to make him the continual source of JOKES.

GOP repeal and replacement of ACA – hurting those on our social safety net. Good job GOP.

Rumbles of IMPEACHMENT .... There is hope!

Enemies of the People – some historical context

Did VP Pence, or Steve Bannon, tell the EU how we’ll deal with Europe?

Analysis - Confusion, lack of inter-team communication, and confusion seem commonplace in WH.

Monday, February 20, 2017

BLOG POST 20 Feb 2017

I find it amazing that each day more stories emerge that cast doubt on the competence, truthfulness, and direction of our President's administration. Here's still another. Read my analysis note following the NYT article.

Trump’s unofficial aides wheeling and dealing with Russia

Trump aides in back-door Ukraine peace plan: NYT  AFP February 20, 2017

New York (AFP) - President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, a business associate and a Ukrainian lawmaker have drawn up a peace plan for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, presenting the proposal to the administration's former national security advisor, the New York Times reported Sunday.
According to the report, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen hand-delivered the proposal to the office of Michael Flynn, who resigned in disgrace a week later due to a separate incident involving contacts with Moscow's ambassador in Washington.
The report underscored stubborn allegations of improper Russian influence on the Trump administration, with US intelligence agencies saying Moscow meddled in the American election in November to tip the outcome in the Republican's favor.
According to the Times, the amateur diplomats behind the proposal are Cohen; Felix Sater, a business associate who helped Trump scout deals in Russia; and Andrii Artemenko, an upstart Ukrainian lawmaker who claims to have evidence of corruption that could oust President Petro Poroshenko.
The report said the proposal, which outlined a way for Washington to lift sanctions against Russia, was a plan concocted by Artemenko essentially requiring the withdrawal of all Russian forces from eastern Ukraine.
"Ukrainian voters would decide in a referendum whether Crimea, the Ukrainian territory seized by Russia in 2014, would be leased to Russia for a term of 50 or 100 years," the Times said.
The conflict in eastern Ukraine has cost some 10,000 lives since parts of two mostly Russian-speaking eastern regions declared independence from Kiev's pro-Western government following the ouster of Kremlin-backed president Viktor Yanukovych.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied having knowledge of the plan Monday, telling journalists: "How can Russia lease its own region? The question itself is rather absurd."
In Kiev, the report that Artemenko, an obscure lawmaker in the minority Radical Party, raised eyebrows, and the party's group in parliament was meeting Monday to discuss whether to expel him.
"A lot of people will call me a Russian agent, a US agent, a CIA agent," Artemenko told the Times. "But how can you find a good solution between our countries if we do not talk?"
It was not clear if Flynn studied the proposal or took any action on it.
Trump met over the weekend with four candidates he is considering as Flynn's replacement.
Cohen and Sater said they had not spoken to Trump about the proposal, the Times reported.
Ukraine's ambassador to the United States slammed the apparent back-door diplomacy.
Artemenko "is not entitled to present any alternative peace plans on behalf of Ukraine to any foreign government, including the US administration," Valeriy Chaly told the newspaper.
The idea of leasing Crimea to Russia "can be pitched or pushed through only by those openly or covertly representing Russian interests," he said.

Analysis - This type of free lancing by non-officials is against American laws. It does, however, illustrate the possible truth of Russian influence noted in the now famous Russian Dossier.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

BLOG POST 18 Feb 2017

More controversial news tidbits

3.3 percent of Brits signed petition to keep Trump out – Didn’t work, but shows their feelings.

Trumps’ FL visits cost local taxpayers. Since Trump doesn’t pay taxes, he doesn’t seem to care.

FED Secretary Yellin has concerns about lack of Trump economic policy

The Curious Case of Trump toilets, condoms, etc etc etc in China

GOP legislators now call for investigation – the heat is building, but on leakers exposing Traitors, rather than on the identification of traitors

Pro-US tribal leader killed in Yemeni raid – OOPS!

Protect bankers and banks, not consumers –

And still today, and tomorrow, and the day after that – expect to see more ranting from the White House. I was unable to follow the news closely yesterday, but understand that OUR PRESS has been defined as “The Enemy of the American People.” I’ve heard that sort of language before - Marx, Engels, Stalin, Putin. Now it comes from OUR White House. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

BLOG POST 15 Feb 2017

More of the Russkies – A good book plot - story of treason?

Senator McCain questions continuing Russian influence (interference?)

Russian connection – the story that won’t, and shouldn’t, quit!

Flynn’s career shot down by two consecutive Presidents

More yet to be discovered about Michael Flynn

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

BLOG POST 14 Feb 2017

Out in the COLD!  General Flynn??????

 Stephen Miller – Trump is above other branches.  A new concept for America, not for Russia.

Voter registration laws and Jim Crow – coming soon to your legislature. Already did in VA!

He’s out – after being EXTREMELY VETTED???

More DISINFORMATION, ALTERNATIVE FACTS, LIES about vote counts.  What is this a distraction from?

New briefing arrangements for SECRET POTUS brief – it’s UNPRESIDENTED

Former Obama photographer continues to capture POTUS activity. Interesting insights on how and where new President gets CLASSIFIED briefings.

GOP committee kills insight of Trump tax returns or foreign links. Guess we’ll never find out if he pays taxes, or why IRS has been auditing him for eight years. SAD!!!

National Security Advisor has bad memory, lies occasionally. Seeking employment.

Monday, February 13, 2017

BLOG POST 13 Feb 2017

More tweets and imagination, fits of fantasy and sadness

Without evidence, Trump slams NH voting – another fib, untruth, alternative fact from WH

GOP in dilemma about ACA repeal/reform

Freedom of the Press and WH Correspondents Dinner

Catholic parish’s welcome to Syrian refugees thwarted by WH

New Education Secretary misspells Major Black reformers name

Trumps’ mental health an issue with some GOP???

Rowdy GOP town halls coming

BBC News report on WH Spokesman attacking US Federal Appeals Court

Saturday, February 11, 2017

BLOG POST 11 Feb 2017

More Alternative Facts, Altered Reality, FAKE NEWS from WH

Moscow and “fake news”

Polls show majority oppose Immigration ban

IF you don’t like our three part government, just demean, intimidate and belittle the other parts.

Questions about Yemeni raid prompt even GOP questions

12 million signed up for ACA – What now GOP?

Trump wants to kill off Consumer protection agency. Must think companies really do our best interests at heart. NOT!!!

Oops - finally his unethical actions get attention. Who is Mike Flynn working for?

What if our President didn’t even know the most critical Arms Control terms – he doesn’t

Only half of those polled want to Impeach Trump

SIGN UP. The White House petitions site lets you sign up to IMPEACH TRUMP. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

BLOG POST 10 Feb 2017

Latest GOP miscues

GOP in VA despaired of poor election software, then killed bill to upgrade it.

Open Town Hall meeting where Utah GOP Congressman gets grilled

Trump’s calls to foreign leaders over unsecured lines – Just plain DUMM

More of WH statements being exposed as FAKE NEWS

Fighting outlaws in a violence free West

Unethical call to buy expensive products MADE IN CHINA

Cordiality with China’s democratically elected leader – what happened to currency manipulation and trade tariffs? A deal for nothing – Greatest negotiator in chief – NOT!!

Write your local state and federal elected officials. If you don't you'll need water filters and gas masks, and see Freedom of the Press disappear.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

BLOG POST 09 Feb 2017

Follow this Blog, comment on it.

Write your local, state, and federal officials to resist intolerance, racism, and insanity!

Newest news from Trumpland

I made a browser folder titled “ONE TERM TRUMP” … and it is overflowing with articles of darkness, divisiveness, and other factual accounts of a delusional demagogue.

Even Federal judges confront the reality of Alternative Facts coming from our WH -

Maybe SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch will stand up to the Executive branch. Our democracy depends on an independent Judiciary -

Scary to believe this next one, but I’m believing it - 

BBC’s report on US Judicial independence –

And yet, what will be will be – 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

BLOG POST 02 Feb 2017 - 10

How to cover a delusional, dark, divisive demagogue

Reuters memo: We’re ready to cover a hostile Trump administration

Senior Editor
Yahoo News February 1, 2017

Then-President-elect Trump at a news conference last month. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
As the press continues to adjust to President Trump and the new administration, a pair of internal memos circulated within news organizations this week illustrate the debate that’s happening in newsrooms around the country: how to cover a president who claims he views the media as “the opposition party.”
“The first 12 days of the Trump presidency (yes, that’s all it’s been!) have been memorable for all — and especially challenging for us in the news business,” Reuters editor in chief Steve Adler wrote in a memo to staffers on Tuesday. “It’s not every day that a U.S. president calls journalists ‘among the most dishonest human beings on earth.'”
Adler noted that Reuters operates “in more than 100 countries, including many in which the media is unwelcome and frequently under attack.”
“I am perpetually proud of our work in places such as Turkey, the Philippines, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Thailand, China, Zimbabwe, and Russia, nations in which we sometimes encounter some combination of censorship, legal prosecution, visa denials, and even physical threats to our journalists,” he wrote.
“We don’t know yet how sharp the Trump administration’s attacks will be over time or to what extent those attacks will be accompanied by legal restrictions on our news-gathering,” Adler continued. “But we do know that we must follow the same rules that govern our work anywhere.”
He then offered a list of “Do’s and Don’ts” for covering the Trump White House:

–Cover what matters in people’s lives and provide them the facts they need to make better decisions.
–Become ever-more resourceful: If one door to information closes, open another one.
–Give up on hand-outs and worry less about official access. They were never all that valuable anyway. Our coverage of Iran has been outstanding, and we have virtually no official access. What we have are sources.
–Get out into the country and learn more about how people live, what they think, what helps and hurts them, and how the government and its actions appear to them, not to us.
–Never be intimidated, but:
–Don’t pick unnecessary fights or make the story about us. We may care about the inside baseball but the public generally doesn’t and might not be on our side even if it did.
–Don’t vent publicly about what might be understandable day-to-day frustration. In countless other countries, we keep our own counsel so we can do our reporting without being suspected of personal animus. We need to do that in the U.S., too.
–Don’t take too dark a view of the reporting environment: It’s an opportunity for us to practice the skills we’ve learned in much tougher places around the world and to lead by example — and therefore to provide the freshest, most useful, and most illuminating information and insight of any news organization anywhere.

On Monday night, Wall Street Journal editor in chief Gerard Baker sent an email to editors asking them to stop referring to the seven countries included in Trump’s travel ban as being predominantly Muslim.
“Can we stop saying ‘seven majority Muslim countries’? It’s very loaded,” Baker wrote in the internal email, which was published Tuesday by Politico. “The reason they’ve been chosen is not because they’re majority Muslim but because they’re on the list of [countries] Obama identified as countries of concern. Would be less loaded to say ‘seven countries the US has designated as being states that pose significant or elevated risks of terrorism.'”
While many media outlets have accurately described the countries in Trump’s controversial executive order — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — as predominantly Muslim, the administration contends it is not a “Muslim ban.”
On Tuesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer went further, arguing that the order does not even constitute a “ban,” although both Trump and Spicer had both recently used that term to describe it.
“It can’t be a ban if you’re letting a million people in … that is by nature not a ban. It is extreme vetting,” Spicer said. “I think that the words that are being used to describe it derive from what the media is calling this. He has been very clear that it is extreme vetting.”
On CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Sunday, a panel including Steve Adler of Reuters and Huffington Post editor Lydia Polgreen discussed the challenges of covering the Trump administration and its war on words.

“This is not a normal presidency,” Polgreen said. “This is not a normal time for journalism. I think we’re going to be under unprecedented pressure and attack.”

BLOG POST 02 Feb 2017 - 09

Jewish and Muslim fathers and kids protest the Trumpster together

The story behind the viral photo of Muslim and Jewish children protesting at O'Hare
O'Hare protests
Meryem Yildirim, 7, left, sitting on the shoulders of her dad, Fatih, of Schaumburg, and Adin Bendat-Appell, 9, on the shoulders of his dad, Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Apell, of Deerfield, during a protest at O'Hare International Airport on Jan 30, 2017. (Nuccio DiNuzzo / Chicago Tribune)
A Muslim and a Jewish father had never met before bringing their children to O'Hare International Airport Monday to join in a protest of President Donald Trump's immigration ban. But after a photograph showing their son and daughter interacting went viral, they decided to bring their families together next week for dinner to celebrate peace.
As of midday Tuesday, the photograph taken by Chicago Tribune photographer Nuccio DiNuzzo and shared on Twitter by @ChiTribPhoto had been retweeted by other Twitter users more than 16,000 times. The two fathers said they have fielded calls from friends, acquaintances and national news outlets wanting to hear their story.
"It all happened pretty quickly," said Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell, of Deerfield, who lifted his 9-year-old son, Adin, onto his shoulders Monday night when the boy asked for a better view of the crowd there to protest Trump's executive order that freezes entry of all refugees for 120 days and blocks entry for 90 days of citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries.
At about the same time, Fatih Yildirim had lifted his 7-year-old daughter, Meryem, onto his shoulders because she was getting tired of standing.

The day after a Tribune photo of his child protesting at O’Hare with a Muslim family went viral, Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Apell, of Deerfield, tells the story behind the photo. (Nuccio DiNuzzo/Chicago Tribune)
Adin was wearing his kippah, or yarmulke, while holding a sign that read "Hate has no home here." Meryem wore her black hijab while holding a sign that said "Love."
DiNuzzo, a Tribune photographer for 25 years who had been assigned to capture images of Monday's protests, said the scene immediately caught his eye.
"I thought, 'This is too good to be true. I've got a Muslim kid on one side, I've got a Jewish boy and his dad — all cute kids,'" DiNuzzo said. "I knew that this was an important picture to make."
But because the children were young and didn't realize they were being photographed, DiNuzzo said they were fidgeting so much with the signs he wasn't sure he'd be able to catch them in focus. Finally, when the dads turned to each other in conversation, the signs were visible enough.
"I knew I had my shot of the night," DiNuzzo said. "This is what it's all about. It's about human beings being together in harmony."
Bendat-Appell brought his son to the airport after his weekly swimming lesson to help show the boy how to stand up for what they believe in. The boy's maternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors who spent time in refugee camps, Bendat-Appell said. And as a rabbi at the Institute for Jewish Spirituality in New York, Bendat-Appell said he believes strongly in using history to guide actions.

Protesters rallied over the weekend at O'Hare International Airport after authorities took travelers into custody in response to President Trump's immigration order. Lawyers from throughout Chicago showed up to assist travelers.
"Our tradition is not ambiguous about remembering our history for the sake of acting out in this world today," he said.
Yildirim, a store manager from Schaumburg, had come to the airport with his wife and four children to bring cookies to the lawyers offering pro bono services to immigrants that had been detained.
"I told them they are the real heroes here," said Yildirim, who, along with his family, joined the protest as lawyers munched on his wife's homemade chocolate chip sweets.
Neither of the fathers know what their children said to prompt the huge grin on the boy's face in the photograph, perhaps because they were engrossed in their own conversation about where to find a good kosher steak house and other pleasantries, they said.
"I know the tension between the Jews and the Muslims. People think we hate each other. But we're not fighting. When we come next to each other we can have normal conversations," Yildirim said. "We can promote the peace together."

When the children jumped off their father's shoulders, Adin happily approached the little girl and asked her name. Meryem, a bit shy, managed a "hello" before the fathers exchanged phone numbers.
When they started hearing from hundreds of friends and acquaintances, they texted each other, in awe of the way the small moment became momentous.
As the response grew, they spoke on the phone and finalized plans for a Shabbat dinner at the Bendat-Appells' home next week.
"I just feel like if this picture, in some small way, can bring a bit more light and love into the world, I'm so happy about that," he said.